Proposal Short Film Horror/Mystical

Candidate Name Dale Salter   Candidate Number 656828

Title: Nightmare Weaver

 1: Rationale

I am doing this project to show my skills in film making throughout audio and visuals. I am also doing this to show my skills I have learnt throughout the years and to showcase what i have learnt. I am also doing this as it will help with focusing and sharpening my skills through the production.

2: Project Concept

A group of friends are on a walk when they end up being trapped inside of an old school/college. when they are trying to find a way out of the college/school they have an encounter with ghosts and find a journal explaining what happened in the place and more.

Section 3: Evaluation

What I have been asked to create. What I have created. Why did I create it? Explain the processes of pre, production and post. What have I done well my strengths? What I have I not done so well my weakness. How could I improve if I were to do this again?

4: Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Harvard system

The Harvard system is a referencing system used to reference.  This is if you do not own a song or soundtrack for example.  This is one of the best because you can reference your work which you used a copyrighted song in for example.

Why the Harvard system is important

The Harvard system is important because if you do not own a song or soundtrack the Harvard system can be used to reference it and so it is on record what you have used in a project such as a short film. This is then on record what you have used it for this will stop legal action being taken on you.

Below are the Films/Tv series/books which I got inspiration from:

Mike Flanagan(2014)Oculus

Sydney Newman, C.E. Webber, Donald Wilson(1963-1989, 2005 onwards)Doctor who

Eric Kripke(2005 onwards)Supernatural

Stanley Kubrick(1980)The shining

Julian Murphy, Johnny Capps, Jake Michie, Julian Jones(2008-2012)Merlin

H.P. Lovecraft(1922)Necronomicon

Alex Hirsch(2012-2016)Gravity falls

Henry Selick(2009)Coraline

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